Pipe Meter (Updated)

Read fluid levels in a pipe with the circuit network without use of a bulky tank. Updated to 1.1.x by Walkman100

3 years ago
Circuit network

g you know fluid tank can rotate

3 years ago

so you dont really need to have 4 way pipe meter...

3 years ago

Yes, I am aware the fluid tank rotates. This mod was just copied from the original linked in the description, with a bunch of prototypes fixed up so it loads in 1.1.

Are you saying I should make it only connect in two opposite directions, and can be rotated? hmm, that could be useful. the only problem is I'm currently using it in a right-angle position:

3 years ago

so its up to you,I think limit it in only straight pipe can be visually more appealing without sacrifice too much gameplay,i think you are just in the edge case here,but even if you update it,the picture you post do have way to by pass such limitation,like move the meter to the left and place a pipe become cross shape.

3 years ago

Oh wow, I forgot that it can just be put off to the side. Yeah, when I next get time to work on Factorio mods I'll do that, I agree it'll look better.

2 years ago

Feel free to copy rotation and offset fixes from my deprecated version: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PipeMeterRedux

2 years ago

Feel free to copy rotation and offset fixes from my deprecated version: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PipeMeterRedux

Woah, how did I miss that? I absolutely will thank you, also that startup setting is a good idea.

I haven't worked on this because I'm no graphic designer, and I didn't feel like sitting in Paint.Net and trying to make textures that look good...

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