Picker Dollies

by Nexela

Move most placed entities quickly and easily.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g 2.0 version?

4 months ago

I really miss this mod!

4 months ago


4 months ago

Same! but I doubt the author still maintains this one :(

4 months ago

Logged in for the first time ever on this forum to give my +1 for this! Awesome mod.

4 months ago

Just like Bankpasje, just logged in to say this, please update the mod, it makes factorio so much more fun!

4 months ago

I also love this mod! I can't live without it! :(

4 months ago

Have you tried just changing the version to 2.0 ?

4 months ago

I did, also updated stdlib to 2.0, fails and so far chatgpt wasn't helpful in resolving it for me :D when I have time I'll have a look again, but since I have 0 zero Factorio modding Knowhow I still hope someone else will fix the picker mods ;)

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

I managed to get this working by replacing global with storage, commenting out the weird _G.script thing in stdlib that didn't exist (which didn't seem to break anything), and replaced game.entity_prototypes with prototypes.entity.

I have no idea what entity.circuit_connected_entities needs to be changed into, so I removed that code too, which does mean that entities connected with a wire can now stretch infinitely, but it's better than nothing...

(just use hgschmie's version below)

4 months ago

I can't play without this mod. Moving entity around, esp. combinators is esential for my file now. Someone send help please T__T

4 months ago

Feel free to grab a working version from https://github.com/hgschmie/factorio-PickerDollies/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1. You also need https://github.com/hgschmie/Factorio-Stdlib/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1

Drop both archives into your mod folder; this should give you both stdlib and PickerDollies in version 2.0.0.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Feel free to grab a working version from https://github.com/hgschmie/factorio-PickerDollies/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1. You also need https://github.com/hgschmie/Factorio-Stdlib/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1

Drop both archives into your mod folder; this should give you both stdlib and PickerDollies in version 2.0.0.

I see. But error occurs when I try to rotate 1x2 combinators. Moving things around is working now ^^

4 months ago

@Hgschmie, you are an abolute LEGEND. I can confirm it works on my end. I haven't done exhaustive testing yet but the basics are all in working order. Thanks for sharing!

4 months ago

thanks, will fix the rotation thing tonight. Hopefully there will be official releases soon.

4 months ago

Feel free to grab a working version from https://github.com/hgschmie/factorio-PickerDollies/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1. You also need https://github.com/hgschmie/Factorio-Stdlib/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1

Drop both archives into your mod folder; this should give you both stdlib and PickerDollies in version 2.0.0.

I see. But error occurs when I try to rotate 1x2 combinators. Moving things around is working now ^^

What combinator were you trying to rotate? I tried some and it did work for me. There is a bunch of changes with the introduction of eight new directions in the stdlib code and I probably missed some.

4 months ago

The error pops up at arthrimetic & decider combinators. nothing happen with selector combinator.

4 months ago

The error pops up at arthrimetic & decider combinators. nothing happen with selector combinator.

Ok. I'll be honest, I can not reproduce it, those rotate fine for me (and I don't see any error messages neither with the game itself nor under the debugger).

I put a 2.0.1 here: https://github.com/hgschmie/factorio-PickerDollies/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-2 which has some hardening around using the direction variable (basically the mod tries to calculate the next direction from the existing direction but receives a 'nil' value instead of a direction (0, 4, 8 or 12). That is the error but it is not clear to me how that could happen. I tried with the 2.0.10 experimental release from today. Let me know if that works better/different for you.

4 months ago

plz update to 2.0

4 months ago

From what I understand a similar feature was added to 2.0?


4 months ago

Feel free to grab a working version from https://github.com/hgschmie/factorio-PickerDollies/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1. You also need https://github.com/hgschmie/Factorio-Stdlib/releases/tag/factorio-2.0-1

Drop both archives into your mod folder; this should give you both stdlib and PickerDollies in version 2.0.0.

Care to put this up officially on mods.factorio.com ?

4 months ago

I created a fork here that does not need stdlib and should work with 2.0: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/even-pickier-dollies

there are a bunch of rough edges and I will work on those. It works for me with my current game.

4 months ago

Little issue in hgschmie's version: if move a tank of fluid with the new version, it empties the tank, which is exactly the reason why I wanted to use picker dollies to move it (same thing for pipes).

Luckily, Factorio 2 doesn't seem to make you lose any fluid, if the fluid network has enough room (so you can build a new tank at one end, and remove the old tank without losing any fluid now, this used to only work if the tanks were directly connected).

From what I understand a similar feature was added to 2.0?


That's only for preserving the wire connections, it doesn't work for contents (when you want to move a chest, machine, or tank).

4 months ago

Little issue in hgschmie's version: if move a tank of fluid with the new version, it empties the tank, which is exactly the reason why I wanted to use picker dollies to move it (same thing for pipes).

Luckily, Factorio 2 doesn't seem to make you lose any fluid, if the fluid network has enough room (so you can build a new tank at one end, and remove the old tank without losing any fluid now, this used to only work if the tanks were directly connected).

From what I understand a similar feature was added to 2.0?


That's only for preserving the wire connections, it doesn't work for contents (when you want to move a chest, machine, or tank).

Thanks. Will check.

4 months ago

Could I request that y'all take discussion of the fork to the fork's discussion page?

New response