Picker Belt Tools

by Nexela

Beltbrush and Belt Reversing

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Closed Loop Belt Error

5 years ago

I created a woven closed loop belt (for nuclear reactor fuel feeding/removal) and it gives me the error below whenever I mouse-over an underground belt exit in either loop. It doesn't seem to cause any issues other than giving the error on mouse-over and it doesn't show the full path loop (the yellow overlay) when on the exit. It shows the full path overlay when I mouse-over any other segment, but only the underground portion when I'm on an underground exit.

PickerBeltTools/scripts/belt-highlight.lua:418: attempt to get length of local 'input' (a nil value)

5 years ago

Can you post a screenshot of the setup?

5 years ago


In the second my cursor is on the right end of the highlighted underground belt, so the "entrance".

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

have the same error for a belt my self. im running a heavily modded game and thought i'd see just how far i could go with a spaghetti Mall set up... it took a wile to track down.

tracked it down to this highlighted spliter. anything upwind and connected to it returns the nill value error.
down wind is fine and goes through the spliter fine.

as for as i can tell the belt doesn't loop at any point. though it may weave at one point or more... im not entirely sure.

and a full zoom out so you can see the rest of the path.

sry for the necro

5 years ago

Not a Necro. Just an awesome use of beltmarker. Thanks I'll replicate it and figure out what's up. I have a feeling I can tell what it is but I have to check it out.

5 years ago

I've opened a PR that should fix the issue: https://github.com/Nexela/PickerBeltTools/pull/20

New response