Personal Logistics Import/Export

by sproott

Allows you to export your current personal logistics settings and import them in a different save.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Great mod!

4 years ago

This is great.

What I'd love to see is a way to save multiple 'setups' for personal logistics so I can flip between them quickly (e.g. a 'factory construction' layout versus a 'attack biters' layout, vs a 'oil work' layout, 'space exploration' layout, etc.

4 years ago

Well, what I do, which is a bit tedious, is that I just copy it in a Todo List item, and then import from there.
How I would imagine this feature to get better is probably to have some sort of menu that you can use, which would include all your setups, and you could maybe clear the whole thing and create a new one, then save it along with an icon. This would be stored in the save file. But I don't have much knowledge of Factorio modding and also don't have time to implement this. Help of anyone able to do this is appreciated.

4 years ago

So I found "Logistic Request Manager" her on the mod portal which does most of what I'm looking for. A combo-mod that does both would be great :-)

4 years ago

Found this mod today. Does basically what you asked for.

New response