Patchwork Overhaul

by nobake

This modpack combines a bunch of standalone mods with the intention to create a full game overhaul comparable to some of the more well-known big mods. New resources, mining and smelting, oil processing, power, science, and more.

Mod packs
3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
This mod 39 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 39 Required 37 Conflict 0 Optional 2 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 1.55M
base -
Patchwork_Stitching 150
Arborium_Renewed 3.33K
blast_mining 351
Burner_Drill_4x4_Area 2.77K
bzaluminum 29.2K
bzfoundry 30.3K
bzlead 44.2K
bzsilicon 31.3K
bztitanium 46.6K
bztungsten 30.9K
bzzirconium 30.4K
Clowns-Science 14.9K
coal-gasification-update 1.83K
DoubleSpeedBelts 12.4K
Explosive Excavation 80.8K
Flare Stack 96.4K
Flow Control 194K
Fracking_Update 761
Hexi_Inline_Ore_Processing 1.16K
kry-inserters 16.1K
KS_Power 113K
Lumberyard 725
miniloader 192K
MT-heaters 781
PlutoniumEnergy 66.5K
Portable_power 3.14K
Prospector 3.66K
Rocket-Silo-Construction 39.9K
sand-and-glass 1.51K
science-bottles 3.29K
Side Inserters 33.6K
SteamCracking 1.75K
Transport_Drones 77.6K
Warehousing 211K
Wood_Gasification 13.0K
wret-beacon-rebalance-mod 21.0K
Ingredient_Scrap 296
SpaceMod 103K
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v1.1.1)