Hello there!
Loving your Mod! It's quite well made, me and my Friends love it. However there is a Big issue which is the Missing Sounds of everything, which cuts deep into the fun. Is it maybe possible to at least add the sounds of the base game Tank to your mod? I've seen you've created some section for it in your code already, is it a simpe copy and paste? I sadly don't know how to Mod, but it looked like you are almost done with it. Would be super awesome if you could at least add some sounds. Your Mod is so awesome and well done, you have clearly put a lot of work into it, it's a shame that this detail is missing and keeping me from regulary using the Tank.
Other minor Details I would suggest to change is reduce the reload of the Main Gun and, this part is probably whishfull thinking or maybe even directed to the wrong Person, make it compatible with Krasstorio so it also has an Inventory Slot Grid for Shields and such like the normal Tank there.
You wrote in other Posts that you lack time / motivation, I hope this sitaution might have improved by now or you find some little spare time to add some Sounds as you've gotten so far, it would be a shame to stop now. We would definitly be very happy and excited if you would add some Sounds to this Mod.
Thank you for your consideration.