PE Stringy Train Stops Redux

Rename train stations and dispatch trains based on circuit signals. This is an update to fix bugs and add features to string-train-stop by justarandomgeek, since that version hasn't been updated in a while. Changes include retaining train limits and train stop colors, and retaining connections and settings for the circuit network and logistics network. Some icons were also updated.

2 years ago

i PyAE Alternative

1 year, 9 months ago

I am attempting to use this in the PyAE mod pack world.

The technology is easy to get and comes around the train time so that is good.
To make the recipe however requires a train stop and complex circuit board and complex circuit board doesn't come until much later. Is there any way to drop the circuit board down a level? If translation serve correctly changing it from red circuit to green circuit would do the trick. I'm not sure if there is a way to modify it based on mod packs.


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