
by Reika

Overhauls ore gen to increase density at larger distances, but forces some resources to only generate further out. Fully configurable.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Aww No Angel ores?

7 years ago

Hey am playing with bob and angel and rso i wanted very few ore deposits well spread out but highly concentrated and now your mod is cool idea i like alot. Can this mod do that? av tryed but it seem to overwite how rso spreads the ores out and make few but i added this 1 and i just get load compacted together plus wthout angel ore.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Angel's is fundamentally incompatible with Oreverhaul's tiering system, as it tiers ores by processing, not different types, and so are not included by default. You can modify the config to add Angel ores and disable distance gating.

7 years ago

"Fundamentally incompatible" seems a little strong? Angel's ores all produce primarily one thing, and then more and more other things as you get better processing, but there's still a strong argument that you could distance gate some types of them.

You can't easily turn either of the blue ones into gold, for example, or uranium, though I think there's a back channel through slag crystallization.

I still think it would be nice if this mod had configs for them.

Would you add them if someone else wrote them?