Ore Conversion

by Cyfagy

Ore can convertet into Rich Stone and than into another Ore. Works with Vanilla, Bob, Angel's, MadClown, 5Dim Ores.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Question: 1.1 version?

3 years ago

Apologies for the dumb question. I'm still using the old 1.0 Live version of the game client for which this mod works just fine (near as I can tell, anyway). Is there any chance for this getting a 1.1 update and beyond? It's a really neat mod that I'd love to use long-term.

3 years ago

Updated :) and yes i will update the mod in the future

3 years ago

Thank you so much :) Apologies for being impatient. Now I can really get serious about building an industry for converting excess ores.

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