
OreDestroyBombs is a factorio mod. With this mod you can simply blow away resource nodes that bother you.

3 years ago

i Maeby

3 years ago

So i like this mod. Really, but there are two thinks i think they made the mod better.
The first thing is that you can customize the radius. And the second thing is that you can customize that it only destroys on typ of recources, that would help a lot to make a border between two very near chunks of iron and coal as an an example. Thanks and i love the idea.

2 years ago

I play AB + MadClown, which in the end gives 16 varieties of ores. There are a lot of spots on my map, since I didn't use RSO, and I don't want to start over 1700 hours of the map. So I really liked your mod.

1 year, 6 months ago

I will implement this in the next days.

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