Anyone know why this mod wouldn't load in multiplayer? It's in the mod-list.json and set to "true" but the server never even attempts to load it along with the other mods. I don't even see any errors.
0.008 Running in headless mode,
0.030 Loading mod settings botbuzz 1.0.3 (settings.lua),
0.031 Loading mod settings long-reach 0.0.13 (settings.lua),
0.031 Loading mod settings quick-start 1.1.3 (settings.lua),
0.031 Loading mod settings NapalmArtillery 0.17.5 (settings.lua),
0.031 Loading mod settings VehicleGrid 1.1.1 (settings.lua),
0.033 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua),
0.126 Loading mod base 0.17.59 (data.lua),
0.382 Loading mod Explosive Excavation 1.1.5 (data.lua),
0.617 Loading mod Power Armor MK3 0.2.9 (data.lua),
0.504 Loading mod NapalmArtillery 0.17.5 (data.lua),
0.729 Loading mod VehicleGrid 1.1.1 (data.lua),
0.739 Script @VehicleGrid/prototypes/equipment-grid.lua:2: VehicleGrid-car = 8x8 8, 8,
0.739 Script @VehicleGrid/prototypes/equipment-grid.lua:5: VehicleGrid-tank = 12x10 12, 10,
0.739 Script @VehicleGrid/prototypes/equipment-grid.lua:11: VehicleGrid-wagon = 10x6 10, 6,
0.739 Script @VehicleGrid/prototypes/equipment-grid.lua:8: VehicleGrid-loco = 10x8 10, 8,
0.739 Script @VehicleGrid/prototypes/equipment-grid.lua:14: VehicleGrid-artillery-wagon = 10x6 10, 6,
0.841 Loading mod base 0.17.59 (data-updates.lua),
0.953 Loading mod Command_and_Conquer_Low_Power_Alerts-016 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua),
1.064 Loading mod VehicleGrid 1.1.1 (data-updates.lua),
1.175 Loading mod botbuzz 1.0.3 (data-final-fixes.lua),
1.300 Checksum for core: 4010759179,
1.300 Checksum of base: 1508776376,
1.300 Checksum of Command_and_Conquer_Low_Power_Alerts-016: 579334052,
1.300 Checksum of Explosive Excavation: 2284750772,
1.300 Checksum of botbuzz: 2224599986,
1.300 Checksum of Power Armor MK3: 4144768451,
1.300 Checksum of long-reach: 4166847516,
1.300 Checksum of NapalmArtillery: 280190376,
1.300 Checksum of quick-start: 1636235082,
1.300 Checksum of VehicleGrid: 3030286239,
1.523 Factorio initialised,
1.521 Info PlayerData.cpp:74: Cloud player-data.json unavailable,
1.521 Info PlayerData.cpp:67: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1564260877
Is there some dependency I'm missing?