Orbital Ion Cannon

When you need to call down the thunder to deal with those pesky biters, launch a rocket with an ion cannon into orbit and show the bugs who's boss.

4 years ago
0.13 - 0.18

g Multiplayer. Blocked from targeting ion Cannons

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I am playing multiplayer with a friend and we have created a orbital ion cannon. My friend was the original admin then he promoted me to admin. Even though I am a admin I get the following error message when I try to fire a cannon. Error: You have been Blacked from targeting ion cannons by an admin. How do we remove that setting so that I can fire Ion Cannons

edit we are playing on factorio version 0.16.51 and the lastest version of the mod

Solved: You as admin you can click the ion details menu until you see a list of players then you can check your/other peoples names

5 years ago

Unfortunately, every week we play we have to re-add all players to allow them to fire ion cannons. Could this be remembered better?

New response