Oil Patches Organizer by Apriori updated for 0.18

by mrudat

Organizes oil patches into a grid

4 years ago

b Crash on new oil discovery (might be fixed?)

4 years ago

498.416 Error MainLoop.cpp:1205: Exception at tick 81516869: The mod Oil Patches Organizer by Apriori updated for 0.18 (0.0.10) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Oil_Patches_Organizer-0_18::on_chunk_generated (ID 12)
Entity is not resource.
stack traceback:
Oil_Patches_Organizer-0_18/control.lua:98: in function 'GridDeposits'
Oil_Patches_Organizer-0_18/control.lua:152: in function <Oil_Patches_Organizer-0_18/control.lua:143>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:98: in function 'GridDeposits'
Oil_Patches_Organizer-0_18/control.lua:152: in function <Oil_Patches_Organizer-0_18/control.lua:143>

4 years ago

That's odd. It should only be looking for things that can be 'mined' using the vanilla pumpjack.

Can I get a list of the mods you are using that add new resources so I can test against them?

4 years ago

Not a fix, but it will explicitly crash with an error message if it can't find any resources to arrange (which would result in attempt to arrange everything).

It will also list the resources it will attempt to arrange in the log.

4 years ago

The only mod that adds new resources would be space exploration. It is noteworthy that the organizer was running fine without any errors until I updated to the newest factorio version. Perhaps something is related.
Strangely enough it also did not happen during new chunk discovery. I was well within active radar range, and all surrounding area has been mapped by my radars a long time ago.

Disabling the auto organization during generation made it stop, I don't know if I can reproduce it now.

4 years ago

I now explicitly check for and crash with a helpful error message if a non-resource entity is, somehow, added to the list of entities to organize.

4 years ago

Updated the mod version, will post if it occurs again. Thank you very much for maintaining this mod!

New response