Oil Patches Organizer deprecated

by Apriori

Use special blueprint-like item to relocate oil patches so that they are being placed in a custom-sized grid for handy pumping. Also oil patches in newly generated chunks are being reorganized automatically (adjustable through the mods settings menu)! Angel's fissure and natural gas are supported. Select an area with patches to snap them to a grid. Shift+select a point to set a custom grid center. Shift+select an area with patches to move them to the custom grid center.

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

b Error Shift Select

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Error while running event Oil Patches
Organizer::on_player_alt_selected_area (ID 50)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
Oil Patches Organizer/control.lua:99: in function 'GetResourceArea'
-also line 77 'AltProcessDeposits'
-and line 34 , 26

if you shift select a deposit (before you do anything else) get this error, if you should do in a specific sequence, should give error and not crash game.

EDIT: to place oil in a specific location
First shift click (with out moving the mouse) the location you want the spouts to go (not too far away) *if you do this successfully you will get a message.
Then shift select the spouts (drag a box around the spouts, while holding shift) then they will move to the selected location.

if you shift select spouts with out first specifying a location you will crash the game.

7 years ago

Sorry, but I can't reproduce it...
If I altselect an area with spouts when "the location I want the spouts to go" is set - they go there.
If I altselect an area with spouts when "the location I want the spouts to go" is NOT set - spouts are being organized just like if I selected the area without Shift.

7 years ago

Just tried and it crashed. Press shift, click and drag a box around some oil patches, release mouse button. Crash.

7 years ago

Crashes on alt-select for me too, but only if I don't set the center point first.

New response