Oil Patches Organizer deprecated

by Apriori

Use special blueprint-like item to relocate oil patches so that they are being placed in a custom-sized grid for handy pumping. Also oil patches in newly generated chunks are being reorganized automatically (adjustable through the mods settings menu)! Angel's fissure and natural gas are supported. Select an area with patches to snap them to a grid. Shift+select a point to set a custom grid center. Shift+select an area with patches to move them to the custom grid center.

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

i Shift by 1 tiles

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Is possible to shifted by 1 tiles ?
The reason is, i made an oil outpost template; i collect about 36 oils in a spot, then use the template. Much faster to make an outpost that way.

The problem is, sometimes the oil didn't match the template, because they didn't align.

I try shifting by pick a new spot as center location, but they jump to a minimum 6 tiles.

7 years ago

you can adjust the number of tiles, minimum 4 because 3 for the pump and 1 for a pipe, if you want more, like i do, for beacons, you can try 7 or 8

7 years ago

Philip017, you're damn right! =)

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