Oil Patches Organizer deprecated

by Apriori

Use special blueprint-like item to relocate oil patches so that they are being placed in a custom-sized grid for handy pumping. Also oil patches in newly generated chunks are being reorganized automatically (adjustable through the mods settings menu)! Angel's fissure and natural gas are supported. Select an area with patches to snap them to a grid. Shift+select a point to set a custom grid center. Shift+select an area with patches to move them to the custom grid center.

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

b centered on water = loss of spouts

7 years ago

if you organize multiple spouts, and the center organizes over a location that has water, you could loose some or all of the spouts.

suggest having a place able beacon where found oil could be teleported to a grid around that beacon.

else limit the area you can teleport oil spouts, to areas not occupied by water, and the number of spouts in a limited number of adjacent chunks (ex 4)

7 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the feedback.
1. About loss of spouts. I can't see any reasons for it in my code. Could you please show/send some proofs? Maybe pictures before+after or before-savegame with mods to let me reproduce it. Sometimes it seemed that spouts get lost for me too - so I counted them, loaded an autosave and checked the amount - it was the same. According to my reallocating procedure, the process may be infinite until all the spouts get placed, but no spouts can disappear. Of course, I may be wrong.
2. About "beacons as center of field". This mod was made to "handify" oil fields processing, not to move them to the base or to a more comfortable place. Of course, with the new zoom-to-world view you can select whole map - so I should think about limitation of the selection area, maybe.

The procedure works this way:
1. Remember all spouts (vanilla and Angel's) in an array of richnesses.
2. Destroy all spouts.
3. Find a grid-alligned center position.
Then loop:
4. Check if it's possible to place a spout (in-game check, placing on water/on another spout is disallowed).
5. If check is passed - place a spout and forget it. If check is not passed - still keep it "in mind".
6. Find the next grid-alligned position in a spiral way.
7. If array of spouts is not empty - go to 4. If empty - exit loop.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Excuse me for my reply, I was wrong. The problem exists - you're right. Fixed in 0.0.6. And, as an apology, I implemented the functionality you were talking about - read the in-game item description.

New response