Oil Patches Organizer deprecated

by Apriori

Use special blueprint-like item to relocate oil patches so that they are being placed in a custom-sized grid for handy pumping. Also oil patches in newly generated chunks are being reorganized automatically (adjustable through the mods settings menu)! Angel's fissure and natural gas are supported. Select an area with patches to snap them to a grid. Shift+select a point to set a custom grid center. Shift+select an area with patches to move them to the custom grid center.

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

g Organize on generation :)

7 years ago

Yea just the title :P

7 years ago

agree organize on generation

7 years ago


7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

with use of rsomod, it doesn't organize on generation, however use of the tool organizes them to the center of everyone in range, intended?

suggest making spouts a pipe distance instead of 4 for organizing
if interested, line 68, local distance = 6 can be set to 4 for this function.

if more than 6 spouts arranged, then you get a cube instead of a line, would prefer a line of 2, if possible, although i am unable to see how to do this.

i know it's a bit crazy, but i decided to try and put every spout on my visible map into one cube, it worked a few times, but then several times it decided to delete all my spouts instead, i ended up doing a few fields at a time to get them all together, i managed to get them all together finally having a grid of 11x12, that is a lot of oil i know, was using the map for testing trying to see the limitations

and thanks for this useful mod :)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

with use of rsomod, it doesn't organize on generation

Hmm... I use RSO in my playthrow, but everything seems ok. Not sure if I've got the last version of RSO. I'll look into its code.

if more than 6 spouts arranged, then you get a cube instead of a line

As you can see in my code, the mod just does the following:
1. Takes a group of oil patches.
2. Calculates the center of the group.
3. Remembers amounts of oil for each patch.
4. Destroyes the patches.
5. Trying to place patches with remembered amounts spirally, beginning from the center of the group.
Dunno how you could see a line. And didn't understand the words about "a line of 2". Could you explain, please. I can do it configurable in-game. For example, a GUI for configuration can appear when you take the Oil Organizer in your hand - as in my Blueprint Items Request mod. Now the mod is pragmatic - I love the pragmatism. But I could widen the functionality.

And thanks for the feedback!

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

line of 2 - if you gather 6 spouts then you will get a line of 2 high (on X) and 3 wide (on Y) or 2 on Y and 3 on X

instead of getting a cube, get 2 on X and remainder on Y to complete the number of spouts available.

i made a screen shot hope this helps a little, top got 2 wide and 3 high, but the bottom ended up 3 wide and 2 high


7 years ago

i figured out why sometimes the oil gets randomly deleted, if the center of the grid lands in water or partly in water then those spots are not regenerated and you loose them,
if possible it would be nice to have a teleport location grid, so i can pick a spot where i want the oil to be, (place a beacon there or something) and then when i select new oil it is organized at the location specified by the beacon.

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