Ocean Liners

Adds Ocean Liners! Sail the Seas and enjoy.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

g mod appears to prevent creativemode mod from normal function

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

not sure what's going on, but if i have ocean liners installed, i can't adjust my run speed or mining speed with creativemode mod.

7 years ago

(took about 50 reboots of the game to narrow it down to ocean liners,but not sure what the two mods both try and access that would cause code from creativemodemod to be overridden)

7 years ago

Thanks for the info!

Yep, the mod has to update player stats for swimming. I can probably narrow it down to just change collision boxes and no other stats. I'll take a look when I release the next update.

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