Ocean Liners

Adds Ocean Liners! Sail the Seas and enjoy.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

g Mod Conflict OceanLiners /w Aircraft

8 years ago


Im new to factorio (and how to post a tread). I have used Aircraft (https://mods.factorio.com/mods/zingo2/Aircraft) to be able to fly to an island and build up there.

Only thing more I needed was ships, and you offer a perfect solution.

Now the only downside is: My aircraft cant fly over water anymore. Is this because your mod changes water collision parameters? And is there a way for me to change it myself (if needed).

Sorry for the long post,

8 years ago

Hey, thanks very much for the heads-up and the detailed post.

The issue is that I need to make all cars (and planes are cars) compatible with the new ocean which has been changed to allow swimming. I'll hardcode an exception for the Aircraft mod for now and release it in the big version that's coming.

Still doesn't solve the issue with other plane-based mods and I'll be thinking about it deeply.


7 years ago

I don't know if this mod is still being worked on, but as the Aircraft dev I'd like to say that this issue still exists.

7 years ago

Yep, I fixed the issue about six months ago, but haven't released the new version yet as it has some pretty major changes which will probably require a fresh world.

7 years ago

Excellent, I've updated all my posts about incompatibility to show that they are no longer incompatible. Cheers for compatibility!

New response