Ocean Liners

Adds Ocean Liners! Sail the Seas and enjoy.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

i the enemy are come from ocean!!!

8 years ago

This is a great mod and I very like it ,but............those god damn bugs can swim to my base too!!!!!
Have you hear that there is the bugs attack from behind because they CROSS THE OCEAN?!!!

8 years ago

Haha, that's brilliant, I love it. I didn't think about this when I added swimming but it's a great feature in my opinion.

It might be removed in the version that I'm about to release, will need to test to be sure. If it is removed, I'd like to add it as a config option in the future!

8 years ago

Okay, sorry for any inconvenience this caused. I've just released a new version where this is off by default, but is a config option. You can choose to have the biters come across the ocean for you ;)

8 years ago

I noticed this too , didn't think it was a glitch so I didn't mention it, anyway this gives me an idea! You could create some special aquatic biters that can still pass over water(or swim properly, but I imagine that would be a lot of effort to animate) but aren't as threatening as normal ones? Maybe some that spawn in ocean bases and can't leave deep water? They wouldn't be able to attack pumps and other stuff on the shoreline but would still be a threat while boating/swimming. Sound interesting?

8 years ago

Sounds great. My priority after exams is probably getting some graphics for the mod ;) but I'll definitely add this to the ideas list and would like to implement it. I think I could add ocean only biters fairly easily, but the special animation might be pretty hard.

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