Ober3550's BobsAngels Overhaul

This mod nerfs bobs and angels to make the game more balanced throughout. Especially including megabasing

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Modules circuits

6 years ago

Suggestion to add this at the end of modules.lua:

bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("speed-module-3", "processing-unit", "advanced-circuit")
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("productivity-module-3", "processing-unit", "advanced-circuit")
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("effectivity-module-3", "processing-unit", "advanced-circuit")

, because modules tier2 are without circuits and tier3 and higher are already with green "processing-unit" circuit, so there is very high jump of technologies from modules-tier2 to -tier3 and place for white "advanced-circuit" is mising. So I think that place for white "advanced-circuit" is exactly tier 3 (or maybe tier2 and tier3, but not tier3 and tier4).
Thank you for great mod! Playing with it now all time!

6 years ago

"X" Circuit Boards are basically the same recipe as the advanced circuit right? The only reason that tier 3 modules take processing units normally is because the vanilla bobs modules tier 3 take the second tier of module circuit component. I personally think that the way it is currently is fine and is actually pretty good for making geometric builds. It's honestly just a matter of preference

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