Nucular - Nuclear Power

Nuclear power plants, atomic bombs and particle science.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

i spawning uranium ores in the existing map

7 years ago

/c for y=-2,2 do for x=-2,2 do game.surfaces.nauvis.create_entity({name="uranium-ore",amount=5000,position={game.player.position.x+x,game.player.position.y+y}}) end end

press ` in the game and enter this console. uranium ore will be spawned on the ground you stand with the size of 5x5.

7 years ago

Doesnt work, gives an error unknown entity name

7 years ago

Works for me FYI.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Since the map is generated as you explore it, if you add this mod to an existing game then explore several chunks beyond your current map edges, you should (eventually) find uranium.

EDIT: Tested successfully. I loaded a game which was started without Nucular, and ran into the wilderness. Found uranium about 5-6 chunks out. Also found it elsewhere using radars, which I had not yet built on that map.

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