Nuclear Operators Utilities

by max2344

Utilities for use in nuclear reactor setups. Contains radiation protection suit, decontamination foam, heat switch and underground heat pipe

4 years ago

b [done] breats with most recent update

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)
3 years ago

could you send the list of other mods you use?

3 years ago



















"Bigger Batteries"





































































"Long Inserters"





















"Orbital Ion Cannon"






































"Side Inserters"















"Squeak Through"








this is the list of mods i have not all of them are enabled but all are "installed"

3 years ago

try to launch the party with only this mod,
then with another mod, 5 by 5 (or 10 by 10)
this will give you the mod (s) incompatible with this one

3 years ago

thank you

3 years ago

Looks a lot like a bug with AmongUsCharacter.

In vanilla armor_picture_mapping of character-corpse is set by default and some mods like space exploration or this one expect a table, else they break.
The AmongUsCharacter mod 1.1.5 removed the mapping (set to nil).

3 years ago


dodo pointed out, this is kind of a compatibility bug. The error was fixed with following/newer versions of AmongUsCharacter. We'll push a fix to prevent this sort of error though. The corresponding code is queued for the upcoming release of Nuclear Operators Utilities.



3 years ago

hello max, are you on discord ?
could you add me for a quick talking ?

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