Nuclear Fission Armor

by Rhaane

Higher tier armor fused with nuclear power, 12x12 grid and +40 inventory slots. Crafted in a centrifuge!

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b No player sprite change

7 years ago

Same problem as with other armor mods - player sprite looks like wearing no armor at all

7 years ago

Yep. It is possible to do but the way the base game has the armor player sprites setup is not as straight forward as items/tech/recipes. People better at this stuff than me didn't get it done so I'm not sure I will pull it outta the hat either =/

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

A green glow would be awesome.
Maybe some talented artists like YuokiTani may give you some help if you kindly ask in the forum.

6 years ago

Issue with coloring is how the game treats the color of your char. You have a default color and then can set that to be different in the console. Especially useful in multiplayer to look different than each other. A glow type might work if its a separate thing that followed you around. Saw issues that people had where they had a similar deal for a shield and it pulsed at their feet but would lag and be off-center of the character at times. Also could add to game lag Id guess with more things being animated.

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