Noxys Trees

by _Noxy_

Makes the trees spread slowly but also die off with certain condition. Made to be performant and multiplayer friendly. Very configurable.

5 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Special Trees from Angel's Bio

5 years ago


back in 0.16, this mod also let the special trees from Angel's bio processing mod multiply, which is a fairly large balance breaker, as they are supposed to be rare resources you harvest and use to build special production buildings. Think explore, find special mother tree, take it, use it to build special tree farm with high wood output.

Would you be open to blacklist the trees/plants from this mod from growth? Right now it is in alpha still and not ported to 0.17 yet, but I thought it doesn't hurt to ask already :).

5 years ago

Consider this "bug" fixed in 0.1.2.

The mod already has a blacklist for trees to not spread so it was very easy to add the trees from angels bio processing to that blacklist.

5 years ago

Well that was quick! Thanks Noxy!

5 years ago

Angel's Puffer nests are 'reproducing' too, I apparently now have a forest of them... ^.^;

5 years ago

I assume in the fairness of the game that the puffer nests shouldn't spread either ;) ... so I fixed that as well in 0.1.6.

5 years ago

Lol, exactly, although it's not hard to grow more puffer's once you get that research, there is definitely no need to clear out a forest and get a few thousand eggs... ^.^;

It did look rather cool and alien though, lol.


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