Noxys Swimming

by _Noxy_

Allows you to "Swim" through water.

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Alien nerf suggestion

6 years ago

Aliens don't seem to be slowed down by water, nor do they give off the swimming effect. Is this supposed to be like this? Because I think it might be better if the aliens don't just breeze through the water so easily.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

There are currently no easy or performant ways to control how fast biters are on water. Also I only do the effects for players since it might be a bit too much (and also performance intense) if I do it for all entities.

I do kinda like that the biters are speedy and the player slow in water ... making water a death trap ;)

6 years ago

Okay, so it's not a bug.

I do feel however, that there should be a way to limit how fast they move. Especially in deep water. I don't mind them crossing it, but I'd personally love to be 'my island is a fortress'.

New response