No Fluids to Mine Uranium

You don't need Sulfuric Acid to mine Uranium, but you have to use it when you produce items from it.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i Sulfuric Acid to Refine?

6 years ago

Could you change the recipe for refining to require Sulfuric Acid in that step of the process, which I think goes more in line with how it actually happens anyway...

6 years ago

Thats a great idea Leandra... Im changing it now!

Atomic Bomb - 30 Sulfuric Acid
Nuclear Fuel - 1 Sulfuric Acid
Uranium fuel cell - 20 Sulfuric Acid

6 years ago

The Centrifuge is not accepting fluids.. .but i will try to change it too

5 years ago

Could you add some settings to configure whether you want or not need fluids to your recipes?, I just want the no-fluids-needed-stuff, without fluids on the other recipes, and it's honestly bothering to have to download this mod again every time I search for updates for my other mods

4 years ago

Hi, imo only the refining of the ore should use the fluid. Is it possible to make the same distinction between vanilla centrifuge and acid-using-centrifuge, as there is between regular mining drill and uranium mining drill in vanilla (code wise)?

3 years ago

Maybe have a acid-refining process in the assembling machine?

3 years ago

That's what I'd say, use the assembling machine with it, similar to how the robot mining site does it.

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