No Desert

Green planet: there is no desert, sand or dirt tiles on this planet

4 years ago

g Environment Mods are the Future of Adamo Servar Network -- Definitely watching yours

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I see you popped a couple of these. Will definitely be watching. Changing the environment is interesting and something we want to do more with. Since each server on our network is a "planet" of sorts, we like the idea of having different environments. I'm already looking at the ones you've put here, and another one is to use the mod that essentially fills the map with trees. I think there's a lot of potential, here, and furthermore, with clusterio, the possibility of having environments that are rich or poor in one resource or another, forcing the need to share resources between servers. One step I'd like to take is to make a world full of rocks, too. Possibly it could have low, constant light and thus be a sort of "cavern world". I'll keep up with if you release any more of these and we'll see where it goes! I started a small environment mod, but working with the autoplace is kind of complicated, and I need to spend less time modding, not more. :)

P.S. my OCD would be pleased if you fixed my title to Adamo Servar Network from Adam Servar Network. Only you have the power to do so.

4 years ago


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