Night Brightness

The nights will be darker or lighter

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Thanks

5 years ago

Just wanted to say thanks for the mod. I've always wanted it darker, glad to see it's now possible.

I like the idea of seasons. Summer having longer days and winter having longer nights.
Maybe add a little calendar in the top left that shows how many days it's been since the crash. (start of game). and what season it is. I believe you already can set how many hours a day is, maybe set season length also, default 90 days.

Thanks again.

5 years ago

Is it not ridiculous that the season will be always [0, 1)?
So the
part [0, 0.125) is end of summer,
part [0.125, 0.375) is autumn,
part [0.375, 0.625) is winter,
part [0.625, 0.875) is spring,
part [0, 0.125) is start of summer

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