Nicer Fuel Glow

Adds a subtle tint to the glow of burner entities depending on what fuel they're using.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.0

b [0.17] Incompatiblity issues with other mods

4 years ago

Error while loading item prototype "seedling"(item): Must have a fuel_value when fuel_acceleration_multiplier,
fuel_top_speed_multiplier, fuel_emissions_multiplier, or fuel_glow_color are used.
Modifications Bio Industries > Bonus-technology > Nicer Fuel Glow > Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam

Basically doesn't work with other types of fuel source. seeds and other mods probably.
Disco Research incompatibility
Bio Industries and other Tree / seed / sapling mods

3 years ago

That's... odd. All this mod does is assign fuel_glow_color values to anything it finds with a fuel_value. Yet this error suggests that one has been assigned to some item without a fuel_value. I'm not sure how that could happen; maybe another mod removed the fuel_value later in the load order?

3 years ago

Its really not, @FlamingCarrot, mods use dummy fuels just to make things work script-wise from control etc, those fuel items cant be obtained by player any normal way.

3 years ago

For this error ive made possibly FIXER

New response