Nicer Fuel Glow

Adds a subtle tint to the glow of burner entities depending on what fuel they're using.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.0

b Error on loading mod

5 years ago

0.880 Error ModManager.cpp:1385: Failed to load mod "NicerFuelGlow": NicerFuelGlow/data-final-fixes.lua:57: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'fl_value' (a string value)
stack traceback:
NicerFuelGlow/data-final-fixes.lua:57: in main chunk
10.881 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
10.957 Checksum for core: 3153998413
11.020 Error ModManager.cpp:1385: Error in assignID, recipe-category with name 'crafting' does not exist.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

What are your current mod settings? What other mods are you running? It looks like it found something it wasn't expecting in the peak/floor settings, or some kind of fuel with a custom value unit.

Fuel values have to be converted into Joules by removing the "MJ", "GJ" etc. suffix and multiplying them. The error says there were still letters left after removing the standard units.

Anyway, I'll add a failsafe to skip fuels where this is the case. :)

5 years ago

i am running a lot of mods, so there might be a conflict for sure, but i could not pinpoint what mod specifically interferes with your mod
here is a link to all my current mods

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Yeah, couldn't really say either. Someone probably just made a typo somewhere. Anyway, new version's up, and should default "weird" fuels to red. Thanks for the report.

5 years ago

thx, all is good now! :)

New response