Nauvis Day

by Reika

Makes pollution generation and handling a much greater focus of the game, as pollution is both much nastier to the environment, to your factory, and to you, much more likely to turn the natives against you, and much harder to ignore. Also adds new technologies and infrastructure for environmentally-conscious factory planners to avoid the worst of these problems.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Error Loading Mods - Spilled-water-5 icon size??

6 years ago

Would love to try this mod, but im getting this error:

Thanks in advance!

6 years ago

Yeah the latest version is missing a property for the new spilled water stuff.

You can fix it by extracting and opening up the data-updates.lua file in the mod and adding a line near the bottom. Look for the line:

icon = "NauvisDay/graphics/icons/spilled-fluid.png",

And after it, add in this line:

icon_size = 32,

Save the change to the file then put it back into the zip file, overwriting the original. Should work then.

6 years ago
