Nauvis Day

by Reika

Makes pollution generation and handling a much greater focus of the game, as pollution is both much nastier to the environment, to your factory, and to you, much more likely to turn the natives against you, and much harder to ignore. Also adds new technologies and infrastructure for environmentally-conscious factory planners to avoid the worst of these problems.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Toggle option prevents mod use

7 years ago

I disabled an item in the mod options menu and now the mod is unusable since this error message always comes up.

It's a shame I can't restore the toggled item so it works, so I'll have to await a fix.

6 years ago

In your factorio mods folder open mod-settings.json in a text editor, find the line:

"steam-furnace": {
  "value": false

and change false back to true.