How? I imagined Factorio pollution to mostly be CO2, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, and VOCs. None of those could really be made into resin.
I dunno, I wasn't really thinking about it from a realism perspective. Technically that particular combination of stuff COULD be turned into resin, if you gave it enough processing, but yeah, it's a looong stretch.
Probably a better way to process pollution into resin would be to add an Arborium or whatever, which eats sludge, power, and space to (slowly) produce wood. Ideally this wouldn't be as efficient at consuming pollution as the greenhouse, though it would have the benefit of producing wood.
Btw, expanding on the bore hole idea, I kinda like, thematically, the idea of making a factory to make 'sludge containment construction units' that are put into a special Bore Hole building, which consumes these Sludge Containment Units to consume LARGE amounts of sludge. I figure a steel pickaxe, a construction robot, something like 100-1000 concrete, and maybe some amount of plastic would be a good recipe, and would be good for, let's say, millions of units of sludge. (note that I did not do any calculations or research before throwing out the millions of sludge, I don't know what the exact number should be)