Nauvis Day

by Reika

Makes pollution generation and handling a much greater focus of the game, as pollution is both much nastier to the environment, to your factory, and to you, much more likely to turn the natives against you, and much harder to ignore. Also adds new technologies and infrastructure for environmentally-conscious factory planners to avoid the worst of these problems.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Maybe make noninfinite oil wells toggleable?

7 years ago

I'd really like to install this mod, but with a megabase setup and rso I don't want depleting oil wells.

Please don't get me wrong. It's a great idea to make oil wells depleting to store sludge underground but the advantages and disadvantages for small or large bases are very different. That's why I think a toggle option would be a good solution.

7 years ago

I would agree with this. Perhaps it would be possible to abuse Angels infinite ores so that some of them are infinite, the rest are not?

7 years ago

I can, but that makes it completely impossible to ever build a storage well, which is the only realistic means of disposing of large amounts of pollution in the late game.

7 years ago

I am aware, that it would break the mechanic of an "end storage".
I would be ok with Coffee_Daemons solution, or you introduce a new "resource" to replace them.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Generating empty wells works from a gameplay perspective, but is weird from an in-universe one. That said, I am willing to add it (probably described as tectonic in nature, rather than petroleum) if nothing better is thought of.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I wrote some code to add such a setting, a reskinned entity, and some (not great-looking but functional) worldgen code. It is not yet released, pending a chance for other, better ideas first.

7 years ago

Thank you, for your efforts so far.
Would you be ok with it, if I talked to Arch666Angel about Coffee_Daemons idea?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Sure, but remember, not everyone has Angel's either.

7 years ago

Ok, I'll see what I can do, but it has to wait till weekend.

7 years ago

you could just make it possible to dig a hole, so storages would be possible

7 years ago

This is true, and an interesting idea.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

You could add a greenhouse building, which simply eats a certain amount of pollution at the cost of space, potentially integrating this with Alien Biomes by making them work much more efficiently in certain biomes.
You could also add water versions of these that consume more pollution per unit of area and resources, but must be placed on the edge of a body of water.
Variants of both of these could also be added, that consume considerably less pollution but produce trees or fish as a product.
For late-game removal of pollution, you could add a bore hole or something along those lines that simply eats a lot of electricity and pollution, possibly requiring a relatively minor amount of an additional resource like iron or copper. (Pickaxes and/or construction robots would be thematically appropriate, as well as possibly concrete)

Another idea is to add more products from pollution, like an asphalt road tile that works like concrete and only costs pollution and stone. Another idea could be to refine it into rubber, (which integrates well with your rubber belts mod) or if bob's mods are installed carbon di/monoxide (assuming that isn't already in there)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

You could add a greenhouse building, which simply eats a certain amount of pollution at the cost of space, potentially integrating this with Alien Biomes by making them work much more efficiently in certain biomes.

asphalt road tile that works like concrete and only costs pollution and stone.


Another idea could be to refine it into rubber

How? I imagined Factorio pollution to mostly be CO2, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, and VOCs. None of those could really be made into resin.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Also, the greenhouse idea, which I love, needs a render, which I do not have the means to create. Well, unless you like this monstrosity:

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

How? I imagined Factorio pollution to mostly be CO2, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, and VOCs. None of those could really be made into resin.

I dunno, I wasn't really thinking about it from a realism perspective. Technically that particular combination of stuff COULD be turned into resin, if you gave it enough processing, but yeah, it's a looong stretch.

Probably a better way to process pollution into resin would be to add an Arborium or whatever, which eats sludge, power, and space to (slowly) produce wood. Ideally this wouldn't be as efficient at consuming pollution as the greenhouse, though it would have the benefit of producing wood.

Btw, expanding on the bore hole idea, I kinda like, thematically, the idea of making a factory to make 'sludge containment construction units' that are put into a special Bore Hole building, which consumes these Sludge Containment Units to consume LARGE amounts of sludge. I figure a steel pickaxe, a construction robot, something like 100-1000 concrete, and maybe some amount of plastic would be a good recipe, and would be good for, let's say, millions of units of sludge. (note that I did not do any calculations or research before throwing out the millions of sludge, I don't know what the exact number should be)

7 years ago

I did a better render for the greenhouse:

7 years ago

that greenhouse looks pretty good!

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

OK, the new version with both the greenhouse and the borehole driller has been released for testing. Note that some recipes and tech-recipe-unlocks have changed, so you might need to use either commands or a dedicated mod (FTweaks should work) to sync it.

Also, the borer texture is temporary.

7 years ago

OK, there is a better model now.

7 years ago

Also, further issues should be reported on the GitHub.