Nanobots: Early Bots

by Nexela

Early ghost building robots, A special nanobot gun automaticly revives blueprint ghosts near you if you have the items in your inventory. Also reprograms personal construction bots to deconstruct items on ground.

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Nanobot range

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

From the readme:

"Hotkeys are available to toggle equipment on or off....Set the maximum radius that a module or nanobot ammo will work by holding the ammo or module in your hand and using the GUI or hotkeys to increase or decrease the range."

For the life of me I can't figure out what you mean. I've looked in settings / mod settings and settings / controls but don't see any hotkeys. I've tried the standard hotkey for numpad + and -, these don't have any effect.

How do I decrease the range for the termites?

2 years ago

I think this is tied to Picker Atheneum. I'll have a further look when I get home

New response