Nanobots: Early Bots

by Nexela

Early ghost building robots, A special nanobot gun automaticly revives blueprint ghosts near you if you have the items in your inventory. Also reprograms personal construction bots to deconstruct items on ground.

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Nanobot - turned off?

4 years ago

I recently discovered factorio, recommended to download the nanobots to help build faster. Worked great, got quite far in my first big build. Then i signed into steam on another computer and continued my playthrough and now the nanobots wont load and cannot be made in game on either computer instance of factorio despite the mod on. Ive reinstalled and even uninstalled the game and reinstalled that, but they will not work in this current save file. Any reason why, or is there some hotkey im unaware of.

4 years ago

I would try removing the nanobots mod and resaving then re install the mod. If that doesn't work I will need a copy of you savefile to diagnose

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