Mxls Production Challenge

by Mxlppxl

60+ new items to craft with increasing levels of cost and complexity. The last part, the flux capacitor, is needed to craft a satellite and escape. Can you do it?

8 months ago

g research flaws?

9 months ago

i was looking over the whole list and i saw some peculiarities:
you have some branches and then the branches are all needed for the next big chunk but the research doesn't show that
then some of the research costs seem... odd?
like you have a few that randomly cost 102.000 while the surrounding researches cost like 3.200 or 6.400 and even the last research is at half of those peaks are those by design or is something else going on?

so far i am liking the concept, currently doing a run with this and the random science mod
which takes random items for it's 10 new science packs... yeah it grabbed thingies and objects so that'll be fun when i get to those

9 months ago

I have to get back on this, waylaid by work and travel (for work).

Hopefully back home on Mar 25 and I can look at the master spreadsheet vs what the files have in them to make sure they match.

Also have to get about 10 more images created. And I think the folded steel might be in there but not in the production tree for usage.

8 months ago

i was again looking through the items to try and calculate what the total the cost would be and i noticed a few things:
obviously the mod is structured in such a way that every item needs the item directly before it... EXCEPT the ion drive
according to the research the neutrino board should go into the display module (which it does) then the display module into the ion drive but the recipe for the ion drive is 1 rocket fuel, 1 widget, 2 hardened copper, 2 hardened iron.
the display module is also never used and the first use of the neutrino board is the ignition switch.

the camshaft is also never used
it is supposed to go into the iron frame, but the iron frame just needs compressed copper and iron.
the gearbox, which is before the camshaft is used in the flux capacitor though

the copper frame and the iron frame have the same recipes as well and both seem to go into the steel frame but the research says that iron is needed for copper and copper is need for steel

speaking of steel, the steel recipes are basically only needed for the steel frame and the highest is the hardened steel bar not the compressed steel bar which is never used, folded steel is used though

sorry if this sounds like i am nit-picking, i'm trying to help and find anything that might be unintended
btw in case you're curious
as it stands at the moment
to make a single flux capacitor you need:
98 Million Bricks
12 Trillion Iron plates
14 Trillion Copper plates
2.3Trillion Copper (not counting fuel for the smelting of items in THIS list)
20 Million Copper ore (not counting those needed for the plates, this is just for the concrete)
6 Trillion Stone (not counting the Bricks)
6 million crude oil

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

I knew about the compressed steel...for some reason it did not get added in, i need to fix that. I've got a vacation in 2 weeks and should be able to fix it before and during then.


  1. Research amounts (Fixed)

  2. Iron/Copper Frame (Fixed)

  3. Check Neutrino Board/Display Module/Ion Drive progression (Fixed - edited Ion Drive)

  4. Camshaft never used for Iron Frame --> Add in (Fixed)

  5. Flux Capacitor needs Ignition Switch and remove Gearbox (Fixed)

  6. Last of pictures with black backgrounds added.

Will fix these and see what else needs polishing! Will prob upload these tonight as a new(er) version.

8 months ago

just got back to my save now the item tab for mxl production is just a black square though
with the newest recipes this is the cost of the final item
to make a single flux capacitor you need:
8.1 G Bricks
975 T Iron plates
1.1 P Copper plates
192 T Coal (not counting fuel for the smelting of items in THIS list)
1.6 G Iron ore (not counting those needed for the plates, this is just for the concrete)
499 T Stone (not counting the Bricks)
505 million crude oil
which is a WHOLE LOT more :)

8 months ago

I dont remember how to update the item tab...but I do know someone who does. I will get on that!

New response