Modular Life

Gives you options for changing character stats (health, regeneration, reach, inventory size, mining speed), add/change/remove armor and vehicle grids, mess with modules, modify recipe costs, change some weapon/ammo values and a few other things.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0


I installed the mod, but nothing happens.
- The default settings won't change anything from the vanilla game. You have to go to Settings -> Mod settings and set things up the way you want it.

Something went wrong/isn't working.
- While I can do a lot of testing I can't test everything. Most problems seem to come from conflicts with other mods. In some cases this will cause errors, in others my mod just won't do anything because something else takes priority. I do try to make my code as compatible as possible with other mods, but I can't do anything about how other mods work.

I made changes and the game ended up being unplayable.
- The mod give you the power to make some extreme changes. The range on the values is intended to cater to most niche game plays. However it's recommended to start off with smaller and/or fewer changes, especially if you're less experienced with Factorio. Values between 0.5 and 1.5 are a good start.