Modular Armor

Alters Modular Armor and adds new Modules

5 years ago
0.13 - 0.17

g Analysis of the various modules Power/Energy density

8 years ago

This post isn't meant as negative feedback.

I became aware from very early on that Rana cares deeply about game balance, and that he has been trying to improve on the game, rather than cheese out. And he has done a very good job, as my below analysis will in fact show:

The whole basis for this analytical method is density-per-tile, analyzing power generation (/transfer) seperately from energy storage.

Solar panel t1: 250 kW/tile (conditional: sunlight - no player control)
Solar panel t2: 300 kW/tile (conditional: sunlight - no player control)
Burner Generator: 250 kW/tile (conditional: fuel - is under player control)
Conduit: 600 kW/tile (conditional: must be near Pole grid/in base)
Reactor: 600 kW/tile (conditional: must have fuel - is a bit hard to craft, but ultimately is under player control)

Furthermore, Solar Panel t2 and the Reactor are fairly large modules, making them non-trivial to fit into the grids of smaller (lower tier) Armors, but they're also late- or later-game modules, so by that time the player will most likely have larger Armors.

("True" average Solar efficiency is 70%, based on how long full daylight lasts, vs dusk and dawn and full night, and so the "real" power densities are 175 kW/tile and 210 kW/tile for the Solar Panel modules, so one must weigh the downside of the hassle of having to re-fuel vs just being able to keep playing without a care as recharge is automatic, albeit conditional on external cyclically recurring factors.)

My verdict: Yup. Game balance is present.

Battery t1: 100 MJ/tile
Battery t2: 125 MJ/tile (25% better)
Battery t3: 150 MJ/tile (20% better than previous tier)
Battery t4: 187 MJ/tile (25% better than previous tier)

Again, this is very good. Giving a 25% or 20% boost in storage efficiency per tier is a good scaling. Armour tile space is at a premium, and it is nice to be able to store more energy, and most players will be willing to pay the high cost for that privilege.

This post is about energy and power density, but I have to say that I also like the other aspects of this mod.

Removing the need for blue circuits in the tier 1 Modular Armor, and removing the need for Electric Engines in the tier 1 Exoskeletons, is super nice, as that makes them available in an earlier game progression phase than they'd otherwise be.

Likewise having the higher-tier Armors with 12x12 and 15x15 grids is good, because it's very nice to have some expensive high-end gear to sink resources into.

I do personally think that Solar Panel t2 might warrant a slight boost from 300 kW/tile to 320 or 325 (so the magnitude of disagreement between me and Rana is less than 9%), and that Conduit should perhaps be nerfed to 550 or even 525 kW/t (so that here we disagree by less than 15%), or that there should be an early game conduit at 450 kW/tile and a late-game one ("super-conducting conduit") at 750 or 800 kW/tile (the current Conduit is fairly early game) and being a huge bastard occupying 3x3 or 5x3 tiles or something like that (the current Conduit at 1x1 tile is super flexible when it comes to slotting it into the module grid). And I think maybe the highest tier Power Armor, t4, costs a bit too few Alien Artifacts (total cost 230, vs 50 for the t3 one. I think perhaps 350 or 400 would be more appropriate. But even here I disagree with the modder by something like 63%, not a factor of 4 or 5).

The mod is, however, perfectly playable as is, and is a vast improvement over the vanilla game. Thanks for making it, and for keeping it updated!

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Would prefer this kind of feedback in the main thread. Seriously. I only saw this because of a misclick.

Aside from the batteries, all of the values are in the long description.

Buffing the t2 solar much more brings it's average up to match the burner. However, given the reliability, That might be fine.

I am considering splitting the conduit. Arch666angel gave me a 4x4 model for it, so any square size up to 4x4 should work.
I will re-look at material prices. I thought the t4 had a plain 500 artifact cost, in addition to 50 of each mk3 modules, previous tier, etc, but I might have screwed up.

New response