
by V453000

Customizable Radar ranges through mod settings.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Support Factorio Extended Plus MK2 Radar as well?

5 years ago

Any chance of adding Mod Settings to support the MK2 Radar from Factorio Extended Plus?
I have created a local copy of this mod, and modified to as a Factorio Extended mk2 radar version which allows me to modify settings for both normal Radar, as well as the Extended Plus Radar Mk2. I Figure this might be useful to others.

Important bits needed for Factorio Extended Plus :)

Mod name: FactorioExtended-Plus-Machines

data.raw["radar"]["radar-mk2"].max_distance_of_sector_revealed = settings.startup["moar-radar-mk2-reveal-area"].value
data.raw["radar"]["radar-mk2"].max_distance_of_nearby_sector_revealed = settings.startup["moar-radar-mk2-nearby-reveal-area"].value

Thanks :D

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