Mining Drones

by Klonan

Adds mining drones and mining depots

11 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Any way to clear caution tiles?

4 years ago

This may be a more general question and not necessarily the mod's fault.

Is there anyway to clear the 'caution' tiles? I'm playing drones with Warptario. One of the points is it allows you to deploy mining platforms. I can stick the Mining Drones Depots on it and it works for the most part. It works surprisingly really well with it actually once you know what to do. Being the only downside of using it on the platform is you need to reset the recipe after deploying the platform. Not a big deal.

This is purely cosmetic but if you warp or if you deploy and recall without doing that, the caution tiles hangs around. You can build over the caution tiles and it doesn't seem to obstruct anything. Recalling warptario's platforms doesn't seem to leave the signs behind.

I'm wondering if there's any way remove those 'tiles'?

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