Mining Drones

by Klonan

Adds mining drones and mining depots

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b Desync 0.18.3

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hit on an MP map running 0.18.3

Comparing the level_with_tags_tick.dat's seems to show a lot of variations in multiple mining drones. We also only started getting the desyncs after minning drones were being more heavily used multiple hours in. No other mods had been added or had become more active around this time.

On the desync saves there is a small blueprint to the right of the map than causes a small save delay. So may need a small tidy up pre heavy mode usage.

4 years ago

There are also a lot of other mods, specifically some related to biters and units

Are you able to reproduce the desync with these mods disabed?

4 years ago

So I've removed this mod as it was the easiest way to see if descyns still happen and if they do should make cleaner desync reports 🙂

4 years ago

Ok, please let me know if it does desync without my mod, or if I should look into the desyncs

4 years ago

we seem to have far less desyncs with its removal, but they are still happening occasionally without the mod, so.....

4 years ago

So that leads me to believe, that the drones were merely showing the symptoms of the other mods desync, which is why it would desync more with the mod installed

I haven't had any other desync reports yet, so I am not going to look into it

4 years ago

Also getting a desync, disabling mining drones does seem to stop this completely. This is on the latest stable steam release - 0.17.79

4 years ago

I can't seem to reproduce it in 0.18,

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

We got the same error in 0.18 too :(
It took us almost 20 hours to create our map. And unfortunately our map is completely based on mining drones. So we cannot disable this mod. But while we are trying to play together, it constantly say "Desynced".
When we updated our games to 0.18.4 it was solved first, but now it is same :(

4 years ago

Can you provide a save game?

If its in 0.18 there is a good chance I can reproduce it

4 years ago

I have it reproduced here ..

This is a save with ores all maxed out. Each ore has 4x outposts dumping to a infinity chest, each out post has 100 miners. 4x outposts for each of the 5 resources.

I ran the server locally and connected with 2x additional LAN users. the user2's desync report is attached in the link

4 years ago

I have been trying to reproduce it with your save game, without any luck:

Is there something you are doing which can trigger the desync?
Are you able to make it desync with less depots?

4 years ago

I've tried to make some precautions, not sure if they will work

Let me know if the desyncs stop

4 years ago

Mister Klonan, We have also been trying to reproduce desyncs. Since 0.18 and all your updates, they are much less frequent. Hardly have any desync with a vanilla + your mod even with 20 depots with 100 miners each.

If you need help to reproduce desync, I can volunteer.

4 years ago

If you have a desync please save the game right away and send me the save game,
I still haven't managed to reproduce the problem on my end

4 years ago

I have doubled the number of outposts and performed a load of research .. nothing yet causes a desync.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I went nuts on it and it didn't trigger any desync and i called my friend for it.

We however could cause another bug while dismantling/modifying the recipe of a depot :

[link removed because the bug was fixed]
try it for yourself.

This is not the first time we have this bug from the path handler.

4 years ago

I fixed the error, thanks for reporting it

New response