There is an issue in my game with some severe stuttering. I am working to determine the mod conflict I believe to be the cause but my 2 biggest ones are Krastorio Legacy and Industrial Revolution. I checked to see how bad a UPS hit the mod was giving me and it was fairly severe, but it isn't just a UPS problem because the game is stuttering as a result. When I removed your mod the stuttering stopped. Is there someway I can send you the save or post more here than text?
GIT Seemed to take it. Let me know if it didn't. PM on forums failed to upload. My Google Drive filled up I will search for an alternate in case GIT didnt work.
327231 Chests fixed. Stutter gone. Mod load decreased from 2.0 to .08.
Note: Bots on Copper deposit were still not mining the closest ore. I had to pick up the mining depot and place it down again for them to realize that ore was available. Minor issue I am sure but wanted you to be aware. At least the lag was gone.
I've been busily taking screenshots and trying to figure out how to post a save file because I was having the same issue. And now that I finally found the mod on the Factorio forums I read that the game developer that also wrote the mod has already fixed the problem. What a community...
My game is back to running at 60UPS after updating the mod - thank you Klonan and Novalith.