
by Xerus

Adds hand drills and two more tiers of mining drills to enhance mid- and lategame mining, plus a repair kit 2.

6 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

b Error while loading Factorio with mod

7 years ago

6.311 Error ModManager.cpp:950: Error while loading entity prototype "advanced-mining-drill" (mining-drill): Animation speed in hr_version doesn't match normal animation speed in property tree at ROOT.mining-drill.advanced-mining-drill.animations.north.hr_version
Modifications: Mining+

7 years ago

registered. Will be fixed today.

7 years ago

New version will be up in a few minutes.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Ok, thank you!

7 years ago

I appreciate if someone talks to me instead of silently passing away ^^
This also made me realise some more flaws in the way I scaled the textures, so it was only for the best ;)

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