Mining Space Industries II

Your team was hired by MSI (Mining Space Industries) with a purpose: extract mineral riches from a distant planet, and investigate something else that will be revealed later by the mission control. But you had a terrible accident when landing... again. Will you be able to accomplish the task you were hired for?

3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g David

11 months ago

Me and my friend lost david in combat and now we cant get it back because the current wreck wont let us get a new one and no new wreck spawns.
is this intended or a bug?

10 months ago

you have to take the working flying droid to he body, It will fix David

10 months ago

oh thanks. can this be added as explanation to the companion section in the future?

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

oh thanks. can this be added as explanation to the companion section in the future?
It is, as far as I know... please check informatron on missions tab

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

i just loaded up the save to check if i was "blind" while reading the text and it specifically says
"MSI has equipped you with 2 droids to work with the spaceship crew along this long journey: a robotic droid and a synthetic humanoid. Here you can configure their behaviour, among other things."
The droid section doesnt mention the droids repair ability at all (which is fair because most will find it out on there own when they see the drone moving past damaged entities) and it also doesnt mention that the same ability can be used to recover david.
Missions and current missions tab dont mention it and the mission to get david it self says
"The company gave us a synthetic to help with things on the ship, i dont see any remnants of it anywhere which must be good news. it must still be stuck in some of wreckage somewhere. i hear some noise coming from this wreckage, perhaps if we repair it with the necessary materials we may find our companion."
which also doesnt mention this at all. which is why i wasnt considering to try it before.

10 months ago

i was trying to locate the corpse of david so the drone can repair it and i was looking through the code, im assuming if im reading it right that the name is "msi_companion_synthetic_corpse" and the type "simple-entity-with-force", i was trying to locate its position using "find_entities_filtered" but for some reason the position value always returns nil. if its not too much of a bother, can you tell me what im doing wrong?
the full command used was "/c game.player.teleport{game.player.surface.find_entities_filtered{name="msi_companion_synthetic_corpse",type="simple-entity-with-force",force=game.player.force}.position}"

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

i temporarily fixed the issue of not being able to find david by spawning a new david with the apropiate level for our current unlocks, killed that one which then triggered the repair mission. the repair mission explains how to repair it but somehow before the repair mission didnt trigger.
so this might be less of an issue that i cant find my david corpse and maybe more a case of something that seems to be a bug because for some to me unknown reason the repair mission didnt trigger, which might be the same reason why the command wasnt able to find the corpse.

7 months ago

I can't get the mission to repair david .
And I have no way to get a new deivid.
I can't complete "analyze protomolecule".
I am sad.

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

Have you checked the shipwreck where it was recovered by the fisrt time ? If yes and you cant rebuilt it, please share your saved game for a closer look.

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

This is the shipwreck, right?
I can't seem to make DEVID.

7 months ago

so I need your saved game for a closer look

7 months ago

Please update the mod and the log should spawn in up to 10 minutes. you will need to insert materials shown on david spaceshipwreck

7 months ago

Thank you very much.
I met David.

7 months ago

im glad this is finally getting resolved after i got no response for 3 months but it would be greatly appreciated if any further communication is moved in to a different threat, so i only get notifications to something actually directed at me.

7 months ago

im glad this is finally getting resolved after i got no response for 3 months but it would be greatly appreciated if any further communication is moved in to a different threat, so i only get notifications to something actually directed at me.

just click unsubscribe

7 months ago

but then i also dont get notifications if something is directed at me.
the proper solution is obvious, dont hijack my report thread and move it do a different one so i dont have to disable all notifications with the nuclear option that ubsubscribe is.

New response