Mini Trains

by Klonan

Smaller trains! So that you can make smaller cuter stations and more compact spaghetti. Graphics by Sacredanarchy.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i thanks

a month ago

Mini train mod, the distance between the front and rear trains is 3 grids, the vanilla train spacing is 0 grids。Can the following distance be shortened?

a month ago

I do not really understand the question

Changing the joint and connection distances isn't very easy, they have to be specific numbers to align with the normal trains and there is not real fine control over it

a month ago

Yes, thanks indeed. Really nice it is back again. Only strange thing is that all my trains are broken down once I have loaded the game.
Last but not least, would it be possible to have 2 slots for train fuel (in the future)?

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