Miner Planner

by MtPOI

Automatically plans all miners for a resource. Some configuration options availble.

6 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

g Doesn't work on coop multiplayer

7 years ago

I am using the team coop mod with a friend and we can't seem to be able to use the planner.
The mod works, but no ghost is placed. Is it applying it to the player force instead of the force of the player that placed it?

6 years ago

Yes it does. Haven't had time to test the mod in multiplayer yet unfortunately. https://github.com/masterpoi/MinerPlanner/issues/9

6 years ago

Well, I am playing with TeamCoop with a friend online and while the UI comes up and the chat message, no ghosts appears when I click the button to create them.

6 years ago

Come to think of it, it's probably that mod messing it up because problem remained when I switched forces and merged forces, but worked on saves where I hadn't used TC.

6 years ago

I made the TeamCoop mod. Indeed i make special forces for each player like username-index-random to make each player independent so there is no default "player" force as in vanilla.
To solve this problem i recommend to build the ghosts for the current player.force to ensure the ghosts belongs to them.

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