MicroFurnace deprecated

Little (1x1) furnaces suitable for (un)loading by loaders.

5 years ago

b [FIXED]invalid crafting speed

5 years ago

since 0.17 crafting speed formula should be
tier.multiplier * 144/3


5 years ago

Fixed. Thanks for letting me know. :)

5 years ago

Actually, sorry for bothering you like that but it also looks like furance crafting speed is 1 level lower than it should be since grey belts were added. Yellow minifurnace smelts at speed of grey belt, red at speed of yellow etc. You should consider either bumping crafting speed

crafting_speed = (tier.multiplier + 1) * 48

or adding grey, "basic" tier

5 years ago

Well, It seems to me that would work when using Bob's Logistics. However it would also alter the vanilla tiers.

I am working on it.

5 years ago

Testing Now.

5 years ago

Uploading now. Please let me know if I fixed it.

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