Mega Bot Start

Start with Power Armor, Roboports and Robots. Compatible with other mods including Bob's Warfare/Logistics/Personal Equipment and Krastorio 2.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Error for save conversion

3 years ago

So I wanted to add some bots to help in general considering how slow dismantling is. I tried to to add it to my save and it did not work. So I converted my save to a scenario and when i went to play it I got an error:
MegaBotStart/control.lua:95: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
MegaBotStart/control.lua:95: in function 'EquipArmor'
MegaBotStart/control.lua:121: in function <MegaBotStart/control.lua:120>

I don't get this error when i play a brand new save.

3 years ago

The mod doesn't really work with scenarios. But the error shouldn't appear anyway. I'll work on it.

New response