Max Rate Calculator

Calculates maximum consumption/prodution rates of assemblers, plants, etc.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Gamecrash due to MRC

3 years ago


first of all great Mod (the greatest for me!) you've made here. But today i discovered an issue. I was starting Factorio from last Savegame, with the MRCUI still open, i had a Bluprint "on Hand" and tried to change the displayed Rates then this happend:

Die Mod Max Rate Calculator (3.4.48) hat einen Fehler verursacht, der nicht behoben werden kann.
Bitte informiere den Autor der Mod über diesen Fehler.

Error while running event MaxRateCalculator::on_gui_selection_state_changed (ID 58)
MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1699: attempt to index global 'unit_entry' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1699: in function <MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1685>

I'm running Factorio Version 1.1.19 and NO other Mods.

2 years ago

I receive same error:

24932.669 Error MainLoop.cpp:1285: Exception at tick 76990081: Error while running command "marc": MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1738: attempt to concatenate field 'parameter' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1738: in function <MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1713>
24932.669 Error ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:91: MultiplayerManager failed: "Error while running command "marc": MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1738: attempt to concatenate field 'parameter' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1738: in function <MaxRateCalculator/control.lua:1713>"
24932.670 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:783: updateTick(76990081) changing state from(InGame) to(Failed)
24932.670 Quitting: multiplayer error.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

typing /marc with no parameter will give that error. i'll fix in some future version. I use /marc mostly to turn debugging on and off

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